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5490 Treffer für «�����������������������������������Talk:PC90��������� ������ ������ ������»

Anthropology Talks: Amitav Ghosh

Anthropology Talks: Amitav Ghosh ... The Institute of Social Anthropology invited the award-winning author Amitav Ghosh (“The Curse of Nutmeg”) to its Anthropology Talks series in Bern in 2023.

Anthropology Talks: Amitav Ghosh

Anthropology Talks: Amitav Ghosh ... Das Institut für Sozialanthropologie hat den preisgekrönten Schriftsteller Amitav Ghosh («Der Fluch der Muskatnuss») zu seinen «Anthropology Talks» 2023 nach Bern eingeladen.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Science
  • ...
  • Research
  • Talks

Talks ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • Forschung
  • Workshops und Talks
Workshops und Talks

Workshops und Talks ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • ...
  • Guest Lectures Autumn 2021
  • 03. November: Prof. Jessica Grieser: "What We Talk About When We Talk About Gentrification."
03. November: Prof. Jessica Grieser: "What We Talk About When We Talk About Gentrification."

03. November: Prof. Jessica Grieser: "What We Talk About When We Talk About Gentrification." ... acialized process and how the residents' talk brings race to the forefront, ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • Ressourcen Veranstaltungsobjekte
  • "Blame Games" PLEP Talk mit Prof. Dr. Susan Wolf
"Blame Games" PLEP Talk mit Prof. Dr. Susan Wolf

PLEP Talk ... Hier gehts zur Webseite des PLEP Talks. ... Poster PLEP Talk (PDF) (PDF, 311KB) ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • ...
  • Autumn 2018
  • Flemish Online Teenage Talk: New and Old Vernacular and their Social Correlates
Flemish Online Teenage Talk: New and Old Vernacular and their Social Correlates

Flemish Online Teenage Talk: New and Old Vernacular and their Social Correlates ... ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • ...
  • Autumn 2018
  • "Lets Talk About -S: The Many Faces of an English Grammatical Variable"
Let's Talk About -S: The Many Faces of an English Grammatical Variable

Let's Talk About -S: The Many Faces of an English Grammatical Variable ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • Lectures und Workshops Herbstsemester 2018
  • Let’s talk about –s: the many faces of an English grammatical variable
Let’s talk about –s: the many faces of an English grammatical variable

Let’s talk about –s: the many faces of an English grammatical variable ... You was talking to Eric the other day.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • Lectures und Workshops Herbstsemester 2018
  • Flemish online teenage talk: new and old vernacular and their social correlates
Flemish online teenage talk: new and old vernacular and their social correlates

Flemish online teenage talk: new and old vernacular and their social correlates ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • HS 2019
  • "Memories - Lets talk about them - a morning with Lizzie Doron"
Memories - Let's talk about them - a morning with Lizzie Doron

Memories - Let's talk about them - a morning with Lizzie Doron ... We will also talk about “Memory Poetics”, memories as a common means of telling stories — your stories.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • ...
  • 01 December: Prof. Christopher Stroud: "Talk beyond social justice: Linguistic citizenship in care
  • Hope and love."
01 December: Prof. Christopher Stroud: "Talk beyond social justice: Linguistic citizenship in 'care', 'hope' and 'love'."

01 December: Prof. Christopher Stroud: "Talk beyond social justice: Linguistic citizenship in 'care', 'hope' and 'love'." ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • ...
  • 24. March: "Adapting Violence in/from Classic Texts: Author Talk with Chitra Banjeree Divakaruni (The Palace of Illusions
  • The Forest of Enchantments)"
24. March: "Adapting Violence in/from Classic Texts: Author Talk with Chitra Banjeree Divakaruni (The Palace of Illusions, The Forest of Enchantments)"

24. March: "Adapting Violence in/from Classic Texts: Author Talk with Chitra Banjeree Divakaruni (The Palace of Illusions, The Forest of Enchantments)" ... To attend the author talk, please visit the workshop eventbrite and register for a ticket - there is a ticket option for just the author talk: The talk is free to attend.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • Lectures und Workshops Herbstsemester 2017
  • Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora for Research and Public Engagement: The Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English (DECTE) and the Talk of the Toon
Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora for Research and Public Engagement: The Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English (DECTE) and the Talk of the Toon

Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora for Research and Public Engagement: The Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English (DECTE) and the Talk of the Toon ... The Talk of the Toon ...

swissuniversities calls for the continuation of talks on the institutional framework agreement with the EU

swissuniversities calls for the continuation of talks on the institutional framework agreement with the EU ... Source: ...

Doing well and talking about it

Doing well and talking about it ... “We are in the paradoxical situation of being shown to perform well, but not being recognised for that success.” Leumann concludes that the University needs not just to “do well, but also [to] talk about it”.

Einladung zum CHEOPS Launch Event an der Universität Bern

Die Universität Bern lädt ein zum CHEOPS Launch Event mit Live Stream aus Kourou und Space Talks. ... 10.45 – 12.00 Uhr Space Talks im Raum 099 ...

Amitav Ghosh – wie Klimakrise, Kolonialismus und Migration zusammenhängen

Das Institut für Sozialanthropologie lädt den preisgekrönten Intellektuellen zu den diesjährigen «Anthropology Talks» nach Bern ein. ... «Das Ziel der diesjährigen Anthropology Talks ist es, einen breitenwirksamen Austausch anzustossen. ... Über die «Anthropology Talks» ...

World Laboratory Day 2021: Talent for top-level cancer research

M. Rossi Sebastiano, C. Pozzato, M. Saliakoura, Z. Yang, R.-W. Peng, M. Galiè, K. Oberson, H.-U. Simon, E. Karamitopoulou, G. Konstantinidou, ACSL3–PAI-1 signaling axis mediates tumor-stroma cross-talk promoting pancreatic cancer progression.

World Laboratory Day 2021: Talent for top-level cancer research

M. Rossi Sebastiano, C. Pozzato, M. Saliakoura, Z. Yang, R.-W. Peng, M. Galiè, K. Oberson, H.-U. Simon, E. Karamitopoulou, G. Konstantinidou, ACSL3–PAI-1 signaling axis mediates tumor-stroma cross-talk promoting pancreatic cancer progression.

Welt-Labortag 2021: Talente für Spitzenforschung gegen Krebs

M. Rossi Sebastiano, C. Pozzato, M. Saliakoura, Z. Yang, R.-W. Peng, M. Galiè, K. Oberson, H.-U. Simon, E. Karamitopoulou, G. Konstantinidou, ACSL3–PAI-1 signaling axis mediates tumor-stroma cross-talk promoting pancreatic cancer progression.

Strengthening diversity in working life: G-VERSITY presents its results

The results were presented at the final G-VERSITY conference, which was held in Bern from June 12 to 14, 2024. More than 110 talks and presentations showed how gender equality can be achieved and how diversity in the world of work can be valued more highly. ... This knowledge is also disseminated across Europe through media and social media as well as by holding talks and presentations in companies and organizations.

Brain study on how to slow down climate change

Daria Knoch adds: “Our neuroscientific findings can therefore help to make communication on the climate crisis more effective, for instance by giving those affected a name and a face instead of talking about an anonymous ‘future generation’.” ...

The 2015 Paris Climate Conference: For Germans, the intensive media coverage had a calming, not a mobilizing effect

John Kerry talking with the press during COP 21. Photo: WikiCommons/US State Dept.

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