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5315 Treffer für «���������������Talk:za33���������������������������»

Thomas Strahm - Talks

Talks ... Numerous talks in the seminar Logik und Informatik (Berne-Zurich), the colloquium Deduktive Aspekte von Beweistheorie und Informatik (Berne-Munich), and the Münchenwiler seminar Logic and Information (Berne-Fribourg-Neuchâtel). ... A list of publications and talks in pdf-format can be downloaded here .

Seminars and Talks - Computer Vision Group

Blog Seminars and Talks Vacancies Job Postings Activities Datasets Theses ... In this talk, I will share some of my recent work in building better video representations, by leveraging these advanced representations, specifically for the tasks of video understanding, multimodal understanding, ...

Anthropology Talks: Amitav Ghosh

Anthropology Talks: Amitav Ghosh ... L’Institut d’anthropologie sociale de l’Université de Berne a invité l’écrivain primé Amitav Ghosh (« La Malédiction de la muscade ») à ses « Anthropology Talks » 2023.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Forschung
  • Beratung
  • Innovationsförderung
  • Veranstaltungen
  • Edupreneur Talks
Edupreneur Talks

Edupreneur Talks ... Dann nichts wie hin zu den Edupreneur Talks von BeLEARN und dem Innovation Office der Universität Bern. ... Digitales Prüfen neu gedacht – das EdTech Start-up Examzone im Edupreneur Talk ...

Seminars and Talks - Computer Vision Group

Blog Seminars and Talks Vacancies Job Postings Activities Datasets Theses ... Seminars and Talks ... In this talk, I will briefly introduce a few methods to learn strong video representations with minimal human annotations, with an emphasis on long videos which go beyond a few seconds.

Seminars and Talks - Computer Vision Group

Blog Seminars and Talks Vacancies Job Postings Activities Datasets Theses ... This talk is based on . ... He gave an invited talk at International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians 2019.

Seminars and Talks - Computer Vision Group

Blog Seminars and Talks Vacancies Job Postings Activities Datasets Theses ... Seminars and Talks ... In this talk, I will talk about how to use large-scale T2I models as vision foundation models for representation learning and other downstream tasks, such as synthetic dataset generation and semantic segmentation.

Seminars and Talks - Computer Vision Group

Blog Seminars and Talks Vacancies Job Postings Activities Datasets Theses ... Seminars and Talks ... As the talk progresses, I will explain how I have come to regard 3D generative modeling and 3D novel view synthesis as closely connected, and give supporting evidence.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • ...
  • Archive
  • "The gender gap in diabetes: What we (dont) know and why it matters?"
The gender gap in diabetes: What we (don't) know and why it matters?

Special Talk ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • ...
  • Archive
  • Assessing inequality using percentile shares. An application to Swiss tax data
Assessing inequality using percentile shares. An application to Swiss tax data

In this talk I will discuss the estimation and graphical presentation of percentile shares and I will present a new Stata command that provides a comprehensive implementation of the percentile share methodology.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • FS 2022
  • Retraite Global Studies
Retraite Global Studies

Apero-Talk: Future course of world history (C) ...

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • ...
  • Recurring Events
  • Organ Donation - Objection or Consent?
Organ Donation - Objection or Consent?

The talk will be moderated by Catherine Newmark (part of the philosophy editorial team of “Deutschlandfunk.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • ...
  • 2022
  • On the post WWII “origins” of “sociolinguistics”: a slightly revisionist genealogy
On the post WWII “origins” of “sociolinguistics”: a slightly revisionist genealogy

In this talk I will reframe this story in the context of the Cold War, situating anglophone sociolinguistics in neo-colonial development projects meant to counter Communism as a means of wealth redistribution.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • Lectures und Workshops Frühjahrssemester 2019
  • Language and Sexual Modernity in India’s Expanding Middle Classes
Language and Sexual Modernity in India’s Expanding Middle Classes

My talk explores this perception in the Hindi-English joking routines of urban youth in Delhi during the first decade of the new millennium.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Vetsuisse-Fakultät​ (Veterinärmedizin)
  • ...
  • Seizure cycles in humans
  • Dogs and rodents
Seizure cycles in humans, dogs and rodents

You are cordially invited to the next Neurocentre seminar on March 7. Maxime Baud from the Neurology, Inselspital will be giving a talk on epilepsy in humans and animals at 5pm in the Hörsaal Bremgartenstrasse.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Faculté des lettres
  • ...
  • 2022
  • On the post WWII “origins” of “sociolinguistics”: a slightly revisionist genealogy
On the post WWII “origins” of “sociolinguistics”: a slightly revisionist genealogy

In this talk I will reframe this story in the context of the Cold War, situating anglophone sociolinguistics in neo-colonial development projects meant to counter Communism as a means of wealth redistribution.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • 2022
  • On the post WWII “origins” of “sociolinguistics”: a slightly revisionist genealogy
On the post WWII “origins” of “sociolinguistics”: a slightly revisionist genealogy

In this talk I will reframe this story in the context of the Cold War, situating anglophone sociolinguistics in neo-colonial development projects meant to counter Communism as a means of wealth redistribution.

Dieser Beitrag befindet sich hier:
  • Philosophisch-historische Fakultät
  • ...
  • Lectures und Workshops FS 2015
  • "Say I say: The role of interaction in childrens syntactic development"
Say I say: The role of interaction in children's syntactic development

In this talk I’ll argue that interaction offers children a rich resource for exploitation; in particular, the linguistic context provided by an interlocutor provides a potentially important means to scaffold and develop their linguistic abilities.

swissuniversities calls for the continuation of talks on the institutional framework agreement with the EU

swissuniversities calls for the continuation of talks on the institutional framework agreement with the EU ... Source: ...

Doing well and talking about it

Doing well and talking about it ... “We are in the paradoxical situation of being shown to perform well, but not being recognised for that success.” Leumann concludes that the University needs not just to “do well, but also [to] talk about it”.

Einladung zum CHEOPS Launch Event an der Universität Bern

Die Universität Bern lädt ein zum CHEOPS Launch Event mit Live Stream aus Kourou und Space Talks. ... 10.45 – 12.00 Uhr Space Talks im Raum 099 ...

Amitav Ghosh – wie Klimakrise, Kolonialismus und Migration zusammenhängen

Das Institut für Sozialanthropologie lädt den preisgekrönten Intellektuellen zu den diesjährigen «Anthropology Talks» nach Bern ein. ... «Das Ziel der diesjährigen Anthropology Talks ist es, einen breitenwirksamen Austausch anzustossen. ... Über die «Anthropology Talks» ...

Welt-Labortag 2021: Talente für Spitzenforschung gegen Krebs

M. Rossi Sebastiano, C. Pozzato, M. Saliakoura, Z. Yang, R.-W. Peng, M. Galiè, K. Oberson, H.-U. Simon, E. Karamitopoulou, G. Konstantinidou, ACSL3–PAI-1 signaling axis mediates tumor-stroma cross-talk promoting pancreatic cancer progression.

World Laboratory Day 2021: Talent for top-level cancer research

M. Rossi Sebastiano, C. Pozzato, M. Saliakoura, Z. Yang, R.-W. Peng, M. Galiè, K. Oberson, H.-U. Simon, E. Karamitopoulou, G. Konstantinidou, ACSL3–PAI-1 signaling axis mediates tumor-stroma cross-talk promoting pancreatic cancer progression.

The 2015 Paris Climate Conference: For Germans, the intensive media coverage had a calming, not a mobilizing effect

John Kerry talking with the press during COP 21. Photo: WikiCommons/US State Dept.

Brain study on how to slow down climate change

Daria Knoch adds: “Our neuroscientific findings can therefore help to make communication on the climate crisis more effective, for instance by giving those affected a name and a face instead of talking about an anonymous ‘future generation’.” ...

Seven terrestrial exoplanets around a nearby star

Short talks and panel discussion with Prof. Brice-Olivier Demory, Prof. Yann Alibert, Prof. Kevin Heng, Zoë Lehmann and Science Fiction author Laurence Suhner, who published a short novel about TRAPPIST-1 in Nature.

Hans Sigrist Symposium 2019: Fascinating Exoplanet Science

including talks on the building blocks of life and medicine in the age of artificial intelligence», adds Prof. Dr. Norbert Trautmann, president of the Hans Sigrist Foundation.

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