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182 Treffer für «365��������� ������������Talk:PC53���»

Manipulative Use of Short Messaging Service (SMS) Text (PDF, 358 KB)

It is also possible to have institutional manipulation which takes the form of text or talk and it often entails access to the mass media or some form of public discourse exemplified by opinion articles, ... According to van Dijk (id.: 365), Discourse in general, and manipulative discourse in particular, involve processing information in short term memory (STM), basically resulting in 'understanding' (of words, ...

“If you start again, don’t worry. You haven’t failed” (PDF, 222 KB)

You haven’t failed” Relapse talk and motivation in online smoking cessation* Marie-Thérèse Rudolf von Rohr (Basel)** ... Somehow talked myself an hour ago into not being ready to quit, got smokes, smoked two. ... g. when talking about the success rates of quitting methods), website authors are likely to stress their identities as trustworthy and knowledgeable sources through informing and assessing.

“So now I’m panic attack free!” (PDF, 252 KB)

He is two and a half and would not talk. ... g. You need to talk with your child; But she really needs a support system and doctor that is familiar with this situation) offers suggestions for actions that can be taken. ... Health 16/4: 347–365.

Proof, Computation, Complexity PCC 2010 (PDF, 860 KB)

Invited Talks ... The project that I will talk about, which is ongoing research, uses an elegant notion of proof nets to approach the problem of term equality in sum-product categories. ... Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (2001) 365–397 ...

GuidetoWordSmith_eng.pdf (PDF, 7.27 MB)

WordSmith Tools Version 5.0 © 2010 Mike Scott WordSmith Tools version 5.0 by Mike Scott © 2010 Mik e Scott WordSmith Tools © 2010 Mike Scott All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be  ...

Weltraumforschung (PDF, 2.96 MB)

Eine Mehrheit von Forschenden geht davon aus, dass es sich um ein mehrmals überarbeitetes Memogramm handelt, also eine komplexe astronomische Uhr, die ermöglicht, das Sonnenjahr (365 Tage) mit dem Mondjahr (354 Tage) in Einklang zu bringen. ... Space Talks von 11 bis 13 Uhr Spannende Antworten auf grosse Fragen – präsentiert von denjenigen, die sich täglich mit dem Weltall befassen.